
Showing posts from August, 2018

aala hazrat

Important dates and Anniversaries in the month of Safar 1st Hadrat Haji Waris Ali Shah 1st Hadrat Abul Qasim Shah Ismail Hasan Marehrawi 1st Hadrat Khwaja Shah Muhammad Suleman Tonswi 5th Umm al-Mu’mineen Sayyidah Maymoonah 6th Hadrat Sayyid Abdullah Shah Qadiri (Baba Bulleh Shah) 7th Sayyiduna Baha al-Din Zakariya Multani Suharwardi 9th Sayyiduna Imam Ali Moosa 9th Sayyiduna Imam Ali Rida 10th Umm al-Mu’mineen Sayyidah Juwairiyah bint al-Harith 11th Mufassir al-Aazam Shaykh Muhammad Ibrahim Rida Jilani Miyan 11th Shaykh al-Quran Allama Gulam Ali Ashrafi Okarvi 12th Sayyidatuna Ruqaiyyah bint Rasoolullah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam 12th Hadrat Mawlana Fadl al-Haq Khayrabadi 12th Hadrat Shah Abd al-Latif Bhittai 13th Hadrat Abu Abd ar-RaHman Ahmad Nisai (Compiler Sunan al-Nasai) 14th Hadrat Sayyiduna Maalik Ibn Dinar 16th Raees al-Qalam Allama Arshadul Qadiri 19th Hadrat Sayyid Ahmed Kalpawi 20th Hadrat Sayyiduna Yahya Ibn Bukayr 23rd Hadrat Sayyiduna Imam B
Important dates and Anniversaries in the month of Safar 1st Hadrat Haji Waris Ali Shah 1st Hadrat Abul Qasim Shah Ismail Hasan Marehrawi 1st Hadrat Khwaja Shah Muhammad Suleman Tonswi 5th Umm al-Mu’mineen Sayyidah Maymoonah 6th Hadrat Sayyid Abdullah Shah Qadiri (Baba Bulleh Shah) 7th Sayyiduna Baha al-Din Zakariya Multani Suharwardi 9th Sayyiduna Imam Ali Moosa 9th Sayyiduna Imam Ali Rida 10th Umm al-Mu’mineen Sayyidah Juwairiyah bint al-Harith 11th Mufassir al-Aazam Shaykh Muhammad Ibrahim Rida Jilani Miyan 11th Shaykh al-Quran Allama Gulam Ali Ashrafi Okarvi 12th Sayyidatuna Ruqaiyyah bint Rasoolullah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam 12th Hadrat Mawlana Fadl al-Haq Khayrabadi 12th Hadrat Shah Abd al-Latif Bhittai 13th Hadrat Abu Abd ar-RaHman Ahmad Nisai (Compiler Sunan al-Nasai) 14th Hadrat Sayyiduna Maalik Ibn Dinar 16th Raees al-Qalam Allama Arshadul Qadiri 19th Hadrat Sayyid Ahmed Kalpawi 20th Hadrat Sayyiduna Yahya Ibn Bukayr 23rd Hadrat Sayyiduna Im
Advice to Muslim Sisters In this Western world and environment that we live in, we sadly see that Muslim females (teenagers) are the target of the Kufaar. Their aim is to cause Muslim females to lose their respect and integrity, taking them away from a pious and truly fruitful Islamic life. Many Muslims females throughout the world today are caught in the trap of drugs, alcohol, club going, adultery and various other detrimental activities. My respected Muslim Sisters! Look at what you are doing and see for yourself whether you are causing benefit or harm to your selves? Think of what you are doing and, then Remember! That Almighty Allah is watching your every action. My dear Muslims sisters! Dress Islamically, Do not try to copy the West. Do not strive to look and dress like the Kufaar. After you leave this world, you being a duplicate of any film or pop-star will not be of any assistance to you in your grave or in the hereafter. Forget and divorce yourself f
Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search Not to be confused with revolutionary Islamist  Syed Ahmad Barelvi Ahmed Raza Khan احمد رضا خان ‬ Title Aala Hazrat Born 14 June 1856 [1] Bareilly ,  North-Western Provinces ,  British Indian Empire Died 28 October 1921 (aged 65) Muhallah Sodagraan, Bareilly ,  UP ,  British Indian Empire Nationality British India Era Modern era Region South Asia Religion Islam Jurisprudence Hanafi [2] Creed Sunni [2] Main interest(s) Aqeedah ,  Fiqh ,  Tasawwuf Website Collection of Hadiths in 7 volumes by Ahmed Raza Khan Qadri, hence called as " Muhadith " Ahmed Raza Khan  ( Arabic : أحمد رضا خان,  Persian : احمد رضا خان,  Urdu :  احمد رضا خان  ‬ ‎,  Hindi :  अहमद रज़ा खान ), commonly known as  Ahmed Raza Khan Barelwi ,  Ahmed Rida Khan  in Arabic, or simply as " Ala-Hazrat " (14 June 1856  CE  or 10  Shawwal  1272  AH  – 28 Octobe